Friday, September 2, 2011

What a long day. Avery went down to IR to get a swallow study done. She still has the leak but it was not pooling so they did not have to put in a chest tube to drain it out. They did have to put back in the suction tube down her nose. She is not loving that at all. Dr. J is so convinced that this leak will heal on its own. I wish I was that optimistic, I am trying. We also have to figure out the stomach emptying issue. I don't know if they will wait until her GI doc (Manfredi) gets back from his vacation on Tues. to start some testing. We have seen a lot of familair faces today. Almost all have said the samething, "good to see you but sorry you are back." Have not really had time to do anything else today. We did get moved into a private room. All they had was the double isolation room. This room is way bigger and has two doors so it is super quiet. Hope we can stay in this room while we are here. It is a holiday weekend, so I am sure there will be nothing going on until Tuesday.
stacy & avery

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