Friday, September 2, 2011

My mom, Avery, and I all made it to Boston. Flights were decent, no major drama. I think we are all just tired from waking up at 4am. Kevin had to go to work after he dropped us off in Raleigh and Aiden had to go to school. Hope they end up having a good day with only a couple hours of sleep. We have checked into the hospital. Everything pretty much looks the same. A few new posters on the wall, Au Bon Pan has reaaranged their coffee and pastery items, and the childlife specilasit on 10E is new. Right now we have to share a room but they said they would move us into a single as soon as one opened up. Have not seen Dr. J or any other doctors yet, so I don't know the exact plane. I was hopeful I would never see this place again. Being here now, may be harder than when we first arrived back in December.
Praying for a miracle,
Stacy & Avery

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