Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Avery went and got her picc line on Monday. She was also supposed to get a chest tube put in to help drain the pouch therefore helping this leak to close on its own. Interventional Radiology could not find the pouch and everyone was so hopeful that it meant that the leak had sealed. Yesterday Avery pulled the NE tube out of her nose so we were free to roam around the hospital. It was so nice just to be able to take her outside and into the playroom. Well today was the esophagram to check on the leak. It is still there and Dr. Smithers said he thought it looked to be the same size. Now I am just waiting for Dr. Jennings to get out of surgery and talk to me. I wish I could see the light at the end of this tunnel. I feel like we are never going to be able to leave the hospital. On one hand I want to wait a little bit for surgery (mainly because I would like Avery to not be paralyzed and sedated for her birthday) and on the other I just want them to go ahead and do the surgery and get it over with.

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