Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Another busy day on the phone trying to get everything going for Avery to start getting therepy (pt, ot, feeding). That is a full time job just in itself. They should not make it this hard for people to get help for their kids. Sheesh. Hopefully by tomorrow I should know when those people are supposed to come out and make their first visit. Since being home from the hospital, Avery has already started getting stronger. She has a lot more head and trunk control and can sit up by herself for small amounts of time. She is playing a lot more as well. She loves her big brother too! Aiden gets up in the morning and the first thing he wants to do is wake up "Evie" (thats what he calls her). She is a much better sleeper than Aiden is. Avery would probably sleep until 10 if Aiden would let her (but he won't). Being back home has put me back into total picture mode. I could spend all day taking pictures if I could. Had dinner and drinks with Misty last night. It is always nice to get out, relax a bit, and chat.

Here are some pictures of Aiden and his "Clifford". It is not really Clifford from the cartoon, it is an old beanie baby I found in the attic quite awhile back. Now he takes that thing everywhere. It is dirty and really just plain gross but Aiden loves it. It is however better than "white bear". I don't know if I should show what THAT stuffed animal looks like. It sure is not white anymore.

Yesterday was cloudy and gave some relief of the extreme temps we have been experiencing. It also allowed for Aiden and I to play outside without feeling like we were going to pass out.

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